Thursday, February 24, 2011

Changing Lifestyles

For once,this isn't about borrowed thoughts - at least not directly. But with the increasing acceptance of gay "civil unions" if not marriage, it stricks me that polygamy is open for discussion. Polygamy is technically having more than one spouse, regardless of sex (i.e., one woman, two men; or one man, two women). Given the modern economy and the common practice of having 2 working adults in a house, having a third adult to stay home and be a 'house spouse' makes a great deal of sense to me - and even more if there are kids involved. Having a stay-at-home parent is a huge advantange for most kids. Having 2 incomes is a huge advantage for a family. Having 3 adults involved seems to address this well.


  1. The disadvantage is that the children may not be able to form a proper bond with a parent of a particular sex, since in such a union there will be at least two parents of the same sex.

    That is something to consider.

  2. I understand the concern, but, given that there will be parents of each sex in the union, the chances of such a lack of bonding are minimize - certainly when compare to the recent "acceptance" of homosexual marriage in some societies.
