Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party Movement

I just sent this message to my Congressman and both Senators:

This note is to demonstrate agreement with the Tea Party Movement. While I am a registered Republican, I'm not politically active, so please don't make the mistake of thinking that this is an "astroturf" phenomenon, as some "progressive" commentators have been doing. This is truly a grassroots effort to get the attention of politicians such as yourself and say that the wasteful, misguided, and just plain stupid use of our tax dollars needs to stop. Automatic raises for Congress members should stop. Budgeting by continuing resolution should stop. Federal funding for the "Arts" should stop. Eternal deficits should stop. Farm subsidies should stop. Obviously, the list can go on and on, but I hope the point is made. Responsible people, who work and pay their taxes (the "John Galts" of the world) are about fed up with the excuses about deficits, budgets, and general poor management of our tax money by Congress (Republican and Democratic) and the Administration(s)(Republican and Democratic). As stated on a Tea Party demonstration sign, "It's not a Republican thing, it's not a Democratic thing, it's an American thing."

I'll discuss any meaningful response I get.


  1. Oh meaningful... Do you think the problem is manageable enough to be fixed or is it so massive and interconnected that it seems there is no solution?
