Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Sun

There's an interesting thing going on with the sun - that may (or may not) be related to the recent leveling (or decline) in global temperatures (depends upon which site you look at - continued rise in temperatures is documented at
Leveling or declines are documented at But what's interesting about the sun is the very low sunspot activity recently - here's a NASA site that talks about how unusually low the solar output has been recently - some are saying this is reflected in the recent temperatures world-wide - others disagree. The site is:


  1. Okay, but what do you think?

  2. I think the global climate is much more complex than the models used to imitate it, and that any projection of future climatic conditions is - at best - a SWAG (Scientific Wild Ass Guess). As for the Sun' behavior, it's too soon to tell if this is really something unusual, but there is little doubt that any change in solar behavior will affect Earth's climate is some way.
