Thursday, April 30, 2009

First response

My last post was a copy of a note I sent to my 2 Senator's and y Congressman. I promised I'd show any response I received. Here's what I received from my Congressman (Congressman Perlmutter)

"Dear Don,

Thank you for contacting me about government spending. I appreciate hearing from you on such an important issue because it enables me to better represent the beliefs and values of our district.

As you know our country is facing some of the toughest financial times since the Great Depression. I share your concerns about taking action to ensure our economic well being. Our economy has traditionally thrived when the federal government oversees, but does not interfere too much in, the free market. However, there are times when the federal government must act responsibly for the stability and security of our country. Some of our nation's largest employers are on the brink of failure if the federal government does not intervene. With millions of Americans working for our nation's auto makers, and many millions more in industries directly related to it, our nation simply cannot afford to stand by and do nothing, at times the federal government must intervene. That is why I voted in favor of a plan to provide loans to these companies in exchange for major restructuring to their long-term plans.

Recently, the House passed a budget blueprint for 2010. As you may know, this budget proposes to roll back tax breaks for those making over $250,000, close corporate tax loopholes, and bring tax relief to 95% of working Americans. The budget also pushes forward a green energy agenda designed to create jobs in the renewable energy sector and reduce our reliance on foreign oil. Further, the budget promises to make great strides in healthcare reform to lower the costs of quality care, and makes critical investments in education by making college more affordable. I reaffirm my commitment to helping our country return to economic prosperity while maintaining a focus on important investments in our future as set forth in the budget plan."

This is rather obviously a canned response to questions about spending and budget that makes no attempt to respond to the content of my note. This is a pattern I've noticed - the Congressional websites have a list of Subjects that you are supposed to select from - I suspect (given my experience) there are canned letters to respond to those subjects so the staff doesn't have to even think about how to answer. It certainly doesn't increase the publics confidence they are really paying attention (one of hte points of the tea parties, which started this discussion).

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party Movement

I just sent this message to my Congressman and both Senators:

This note is to demonstrate agreement with the Tea Party Movement. While I am a registered Republican, I'm not politically active, so please don't make the mistake of thinking that this is an "astroturf" phenomenon, as some "progressive" commentators have been doing. This is truly a grassroots effort to get the attention of politicians such as yourself and say that the wasteful, misguided, and just plain stupid use of our tax dollars needs to stop. Automatic raises for Congress members should stop. Budgeting by continuing resolution should stop. Federal funding for the "Arts" should stop. Eternal deficits should stop. Farm subsidies should stop. Obviously, the list can go on and on, but I hope the point is made. Responsible people, who work and pay their taxes (the "John Galts" of the world) are about fed up with the excuses about deficits, budgets, and general poor management of our tax money by Congress (Republican and Democratic) and the Administration(s)(Republican and Democratic). As stated on a Tea Party demonstration sign, "It's not a Republican thing, it's not a Democratic thing, it's an American thing."

I'll discuss any meaningful response I get.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Congratulations to the Navy for a job well done in the Indian Ocean - and also to President Obama, making the right call to allow whatever force the local command believed necessary to address the problem and save an American life.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Sun

There's an interesting thing going on with the sun - that may (or may not) be related to the recent leveling (or decline) in global temperatures (depends upon which site you look at - continued rise in temperatures is documented at
Leveling or declines are documented at But what's interesting about the sun is the very low sunspot activity recently - here's a NASA site that talks about how unusually low the solar output has been recently - some are saying this is reflected in the recent temperatures world-wide - others disagree. The site is:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Real Clear Politics

Real Clear Politics is a valuable site for an overview of articles about the current political situation, focused upon the United States. Here's a recent article that discussed one of Obama's weak points in logic - but strong points in political argument:

It is a good example of the logical flaw of false dilemma or false dichotomy. A choice is presented as if only 2 options exist, when, in reality, many choices exist. It is an effective political tool, but very rarely an accurate effective way to present real choices.

The obvious

Here's a recent study that documents the obvious:

The gist is that kids who are physically active can pay better attention in class - well, duh. Note that the sample size of the study is very small (only 20 kids), so it's weak statistically, but it sure fits common sense! I've long believed that much of the current plague of ADD type disorders relates to kids - and especially boys - not having major physical work to do on a regular basis.

It's always nice to fine a study that reinforces your prejudices!