Sunday, March 8, 2009

Today was a Runequest (RQ) day. For those of you who don't know what that is, I've run a fantasy role-playing game at my church for about 25 years with the various generations of kids in jr. and sr. high. Similar to D&D, I've alwasy liked the RQ system better - much more flexible, in my opinion.

That game today was against a major center of Chaos - 3 to 5 (it varied as the day went on, with people arriving late and getting added in) players fought trolls of various sizes and shapes, ghosts, minataurs, and demons. They are up against major evil here and did not find it easy - 3 player characters died. And, at the end, they were just about where they had started, after retreating once to recover from damamge. But a good time was had by all and they were eager to play again, so I accomplished my purpose.

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