Friday, March 20, 2009

The Economist

I greatly enjoy the "Economist" magazine for several reasons. First, because it attempts to cover the entire world (sort of like "Time" magazine used to do). Second, as a British publication, it gives a"less involved" view of the American political situation than magazines published in the U.S. By way of examples, here are 3 articles that I found interesting just in today's on line edition.

"Obama's standing army"
An interesting analysis of how Obama is using campaign tactics to push his agenda, even against the Democratic Congress.

"Don't keep on trucking"
A rather embarrassing article addressing how Mexico is losing patience with the US for not living up to NAFTA.

"EU leaders compare notes,scare each other"
An opinion piece on how Europe is struggling to figure out the financial situation as much as the US is.

It's just a great place to see things from a different perspective.

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