Saturday, March 21, 2009


Interesting information on the Palestinian situation that is rarely talked about - how Arab governments have trapped the Palestinian population in refugee status for their political ends. Read it at

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Economist

I greatly enjoy the "Economist" magazine for several reasons. First, because it attempts to cover the entire world (sort of like "Time" magazine used to do). Second, as a British publication, it gives a"less involved" view of the American political situation than magazines published in the U.S. By way of examples, here are 3 articles that I found interesting just in today's on line edition.

"Obama's standing army"
An interesting analysis of how Obama is using campaign tactics to push his agenda, even against the Democratic Congress.

"Don't keep on trucking"
A rather embarrassing article addressing how Mexico is losing patience with the US for not living up to NAFTA.

"EU leaders compare notes,scare each other"
An opinion piece on how Europe is struggling to figure out the financial situation as much as the US is.

It's just a great place to see things from a different perspective.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Planning

It's time for Colorado big-game hunters to get their requests (and money) for tags sent into the Division of Wildlife. The due date is April 7. In a way, it's kind of hard to get "into" the hunting mode this time of year, but once you get used to it, it's kind of nice.

That's because it gives you a reason to think seriously about hunting almost all year long. For the month of March, you are plotting which unit to apply for - and since I hunt elk, deer and antelope, I get to plan 3 trips. Then in June you get the word on which units you did get drawn for, so then you can start looking over the maps and plotting the specific places you want to set up camp and hunt. Hopefully, during the summer you will get at least one trip to the unit to scout it out on the ground. And there is always at least one trip to a range to sight in your rifle. And that brings you to September, when the weather starts to change and you start planning what gear you need to take (and what new gear you need to buy!).

Finally the season opens and the constant tension of the hunt consumes your days until you kill your animal.

Another several days of butchering (which I do myself) follows. Then it's sharing hunting stories with your friends for several months and it starts all over again.

Isn't life great!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Climate Change

Of course I "believe" in climate change. Anyone who has looked at geologic history acknowledges that the climate of the earth has change frequently - in fact, it's more accurate to say that it is always changing.

What is a more viable question is "What does the increased CO2 in the atmosphere have to do with current climate change?" A qualified view that is different from the mantra of 'CO2 bad, people bad, all our fault' can be found at
Today was a Runequest (RQ) day. For those of you who don't know what that is, I've run a fantasy role-playing game at my church for about 25 years with the various generations of kids in jr. and sr. high. Similar to D&D, I've alwasy liked the RQ system better - much more flexible, in my opinion.

That game today was against a major center of Chaos - 3 to 5 (it varied as the day went on, with people arriving late and getting added in) players fought trolls of various sizes and shapes, ghosts, minataurs, and demons. They are up against major evil here and did not find it easy - 3 player characters died. And, at the end, they were just about where they had started, after retreating once to recover from damamge. But a good time was had by all and they were eager to play again, so I accomplished my purpose.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

And so it begins - I've fallen into the comuter blogging world - now the question is, can I get up?