Saturday, December 7, 2013

Evil and Good, 3rd

I just realized I've made a terrible PC error - I've implied that strictly homosexual individuals are at least bad for the species and possibly evil. That is at least partly incorrect for several reasons. In most of human history and in most of human cultures, simply because of the relative strengths and social structures, the sexual orientation of female human has had little effect upon human reproduction. So that has not been a factor in what is good or bad. In just the last century or so, that has changed for a significant part of the world (mostly the European/western cultures), but remains (mostly) in effect for the majority of the human cultures. Even male homosexuality, historically and culturally, has been controlled and had little effect. But even without that, the lesson from evolution (where I'm trying to base ultimate good and evil) is that a homosexual individual who helps siblings, nieces, and nephews prosper is likely serving a positive good. The current social change where homosexual behavior is removed from the family connection is more dangerous, and I would argue that proselyting for a strictly homosexual lifestyle as a good in and of itself, without regard for family connections is likely an evil. Note that by this standard, homosexual marriage and adoption are not evil.

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