Sunday, November 10, 2013

Good and Evil

For some reason, I've been giving a fair amount of thought to the problem of good and evil. Not why they exist, but rather are there any absolutes when talking about good and evil, or are they just cultural constructs. We need to start with biology and evolution. To talk about good or evil in the context of an extinct species strikes me a silly at best - the concepts are irrelevant when the entity acting does not exist. So, maintaining survival is a necessary condition to even discuss good and evil. But it is a mistake to just focus upon individual survival. The indications from biology and evolution are that species survival is the true goal, so good will generally result from actions that improve species survival, while evil will generally decrease that chances for species survival. Once that standard is accepted, there are absolute goods and absolute evils that can be defined for a species. Since our species is Homo sapiens, let's discuss what those absolutes might be. They should be things that seem obvious, in fact, so obvious that they are hard to define, or even think of. The first one I could think of is that humans do not eat their own young. This is an absolute evil for the human species because of the pattern of reproduction human have - relatively few children, with long dependencies upon parents. Note this would not be an evil for a species with a different pattern. Guppies, for example, happily eat their own young, but they have relatively many young and basically no dependency upon their parents. What is good or evil for guppies many not represent what is good or evil for humans.

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