Saturday, July 25, 2009

Federal Health Care

I'm pretty firmly opposed to every options I've heard discussed for expanded health care. Partly because I have fundamental issues with the Federal Government providing health care at all (I know, that's a lost cause) and partly because of the expense. On the expense, specifically, all the plans I've seen assume major savings from increased efficiency. I work for the Federal Government, and have for more than 30 years. I think every Administration I've worked for has claimed they would reduce the cost of something or other by increasing efficiency. I've seen no demonstrated successes. So for proponents of health care - demonstrate the savings in medicare and medicaid first - then we can talk about how much more money would be saved by expanding federal health care programs.

Must be a slow day - 2 posts in one day is a record for me!

1 comment:

  1. It may look good on paper but I am just not convinced that in practice it will work! Like you said- if the government can't even administrate programs like medicare without outrageous waste why would an even bigger and more complex program save us money?
