Friday, December 18, 2009

Dark Matters

To assure that our current understanding of the rules of the universe isn't completely broken, and to explain aspects of how fast (or slow) the universe appears to be expanding, science has proposed "dark matter". The only problem is that no one has seen, measured, or detected this dark matter - and it should make up most of the universe's mass. This report:
is the first I've seen that might indicate a detection of dark matter - but even this article admits there is a 20% chance they could be wrong.

I do enjoy seeing theories struggle to provide solid evidence - that is how they are disproved - or proved. Many people seem to have a problem realizing that the disproof of a theory is just as important to science as a proof. Witness the CO2 based theories of climate change.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Inside the Earth

Now this is neat!

There is so much going on with the planet that we don't really understand yet.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Just a Note

Been busy, and been dealing with a long stretch of below freezing weather here in Denver.